What drives you to get franticly eager to get the new technological gadget? What are your reasons to expose yourself on the streets to be the first one to get the new Apple product? I think this goes beyond the Foucaultian principles of power and discursive rhetoric. Consumerism is now something that appears to be uncontrollable with individuals especially in the United States and all technologically developed countries. Let’s do a simple exercise: if you have an iPhone/Apple-products fan as a friend, ask him/her about the reasons why he/she decided to buy the latest version of the Apple company, even when the previous version is still competitive in the market and useful for all the basic needs a phone can have. The question here is WHY?, and apparently nobody is able to answer it concisely.
Mes: septiembre 2013
La dama de cabello largo
Algunas veces en la vida terminamos solos y extrañando a todas aquellas perrsonas que forjaron todo lo que hoy somos y tenemos. Memorias que vienen y van, cambiando constantemente y trayendo historias que hacen palpitar a nuestro corazón tan fuerte como la emoción primera. La imaginación de hacer la rutina diaria para devolvernos aquellas memorias es un oximoron aceptable en algunas de aquellas vidas que han permanecido estables en la línea del tiempo, inamovibles, quietos, relajados, justo como la dama de cabello largo en el siguiente video: Sigue leyendo
The art of organising
Do you think you are a very neat and tidy person? Let me tell you that if you find the «after» images warming and right rather than the «before» ones, you are probably in the border line of having OCD. But anyway, there’s nothing wrong with being an organised person, on the contrary, the more the better, and although there are many people that enjoy living in a garbage bin, the vast majority tends to enjoy having a clean and spacious place. Anyway, this post is about the artistic work of the German artist Ursus Werhli, who decided to order and organise everything he could find and transform his social anxiety into art. Well done for that German lad. If you want to buy his book, just click here.