Don’t text and drive


This is a short video that shows how difficult is to drive and text at the same time. Lots of accidents have been caused by these actions and can be prevented just by stop doing both at the same time, remember to do one at a time, easy! The game can be played by clicking here and if you dare to do it, you’ll see how difficult it can be and the dangerous consequences it can produce. It consist on driving a car and trying to do a fast lap while you receive text messages and your mission is to respond them while driving.
Please be prudent on the road and remember: DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!


The best broken-nose prank!

noseThis guy made a really awesome prank. He asked the audience if they thought his nose was broken because he just was punched in the face, and when he fold his nose, a cracking noise scared the hell out of these people. The reason? He was chewing a raw noodle. The impression and reaction of the people is just amazing and hilarious. I mean, nobody expects to hear that sound and when you do, you can only imagine the pain the other guy is suffering. Is something natural. Well done for this guy Roman Atwood. Great prank with lots of style.


16 Cosas que molestan siendo mujer


Aquí va una lista de 16 cosas que son insoportables simplemente por el hecho de ser mujer y que suelen ocurrir con mucha frecuencia. Algunas con remedios inmediatos pero otras con consecuencias tales que pueden terminar por arruinar tu día. El video esta en inglés pero hemos hecho la traducción para todos aquellos que no dominan el idioma extranjero, aunque consideramos que aún sin saber inglés muy probablemente se entienda la idea. Sin más preludios, aquí les dejamos la lista:

1. Cuando tu bra se entierra en tu piel y sientes que te está apuñalando.
2. Cuando el tirante de tu bra se cae por los hombros.
3. Bras en general.
4. Caminar con tacones altos.
5. Llevar un tampón/toalla al baño de la oficina/escuela.
6. Cuando tu cabello se mete en tu boca o se pega en tu lipgloss.
7. Cuando te estás haciendo una colita en tu pelo y se rompe la liga.
8. Cuando tu cola de cabello te quedó muy apretada y te da dolor de cabeza.
9. Tener que rasurarte… todo.
10. Cuando llevas falda y al sentarte tu trasero toca la silla fría, o peor aún: sucia, o peor aún: pegajosa!
11. Los piropos nacos de los chicos.
12. Cuando la pulsera o collar que usarás hoy está enredada con otras y no la puedes sacar.
13. Cuando lloras y se te corre el rímel y pareces un panda derritiéndose.
14. Cuando te haces un manicure caro y al día siguiente se despinta o se caen las piedritas.
15. Que te paguen menos que a tu compañero de trabajo… que es hombre.
16. Que los bolsillos de tus pantalones sean muy pequeños y no les quepa nada.


Don’t leave your pet inside your car!

6a00d8341c630a53ef01348676fc8e970c-600wiI just cannot imagine that there are people in this world that are capable of such horrific, stupid and dangerous actions, maybe ignorance is even worse than I imagined, but the point here is that pets suffer and the damage can be lethal in some cases. Leaving your animal inside your car, even with the windows barely open is an extremely dangerous thing to do. Please avoid doing this and, if you see an animal being trapped inside a car do not hesitate to break the window, by law you are allowed to do it just to protect the integrity and health of the animal. Leaving a pet inside a car is a crime and must be punished. Ok, just to make it a bit clear, veterinarian Dr Ernie Ward made a test to see how hot it can get inside a car. The initial temperature was approx 35C (which is 95F for those Americans), well, after 30 minutes inside the car, even with the windows barely open, temperature reached the unbearable 47C (117F) which for humans is deadly, now imagine for a poor innocent animal that cannot do anything to escape.
We humans can be real jerks sometimes. It is on us to change that. Let’s educate ourselves and protect our beloved pets!
