Un video tristemente real, donde se nos explica que, como consumidores de internet, no tenemos muchas opciones sino ponernos en manos de esa mafia de proveedores de internet que se han coludido para elevar los precios y para mantener baja la calidad, de tal forma que el consumidor no tenga muchas opciones y deba aceptar las condiciones que se le imponen. Un video hecho en Estados Unidos, y que sin duda ocurre con mucha más desfachatez en México y otros países.
Brutalmente honesto, pero real.
A very sad but real video that shows how, as internet consumers, we do not have many choices but to be at the mercy of that internet Mafia that has colluded to rise up the prices and keep the low quality in a form that the consumer has now reduced his options and has had to accept the terms and conditions imposed by them. A video made in America and that happens with more frequency and cynicism in Mexico and other countries.
Brutally honest, but real.